Thursday, November 3, 2016


It was a great day for the fly buster shoot with a cool, overcast day to start out with. On the first round of targets the sun came out bright enough to blind the shooters but it didn’t last long. We were lucky though as the heavy target wetting mist waited till the second half of the last round.
With all the good-natured complaining about small flies, no points for wing hits, maybe we should use bumblebees or dragon flies and Darryl’s favorite “I want 3 points for a wing hit next year” I would say the shoot was a great success.
Twelve great shooters attended this year’s fly shoot and did all they could to blow away the pesky fly images. As can be seen by the scores I think the flys did quite well this year. We should have a good crop again for next year’s contest between fly and man! 
Many thanks to the people who worked together to make this shoot a success. John McC was match director and scorer with Volker T. checking the targets. John C had his hand out for $5.00 bills as usual. Dan G. and Darryl K. were the range officers. Target changers were Dan G., Bruce B., Brian P. and John McC. Tony L. and Dave C.  put on their aprons and whipped up some tasty treats (thanks Shelly and Mrs C) and of course, let’s not forget Dan’s Tim Bits. Another great day of bench rest shooting with good friends! 

RESULTS (HPS = 150):
John McC. - 99
Cecil H. - 87
Brian P. - 68
Dave C. - 67
Dan G. - 60
Volker T. - 56
Matt A. - 55
Darryl K. - 54
Bruce B. - 49
John C. - 48
Tony L. - 32
Tom N. - 30

Submitted by John McC 

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