Monday, September 5, 2016


It was a lovely day for a shoot in Petitcodiac. A really bright and cool morning for driving and temperatures that rose to about 25C by afternoon. The bright sun did cause some consternation for some shooters who had difficulty distinguishing the sun shining
through bullet holes in the backing from the actual holes shot by them. 

The wind was almost non-existent with only a breath of air moving up or down range. I think the daisy wheels only spun around once during most relays.

Twelve shooter came out during this beautiful Labour Day weekend. The match director was Volker T. He and Dan G. shared the scoring duties while Bert deV. and Darryl K. were the Range Safety Officers. The targets were set and replaced by Tony L., Shelly C., Arnold F., Dan G., Logan G. and Brian P. Thanks to all who lent a hand. Many thanks also to Shelly C. for bringing her wonderful treats again today. 

Congrats are due to Volker T. who shot a perfect 300/14X and Bert deV. a 300/22X

Bert deV. - 300/22X
Volker T. - 300/14X
Dan G. - 299/18X
Brian P. - 297/10X
Bill H. - 297/8X
Darryl K. - 296/7X
Logan G. - 290/7X
George C. - 289/8X
Arnold F. - 286/6X
Shelly C. - 286/3X
Tony L. - 283/1X
Tom N. - 271/3X

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