Monday, September 30, 2024


Thanks to Dale H. for composing and sending these results.
Well, another really nice shooting day in central New Brunswick! It is getting on to the Fall of the year and trees are beautiful along the route to the range with yellows, oranges and reds set against a backdrop of dark green evergreens.
The temperature was wonderful starting out in the morning at about 8C and rising to 19C by the end of the match. There were cloudy periods and a bit of sun here and there which made the targets fairly easy to see although a bit of mirage was evident from time to time. Best of all - no bugs!
The wind - you can never escape the wind effects in Minto - was, for the most part, benign and predictable which made "holding off" a possible and successful strategy. Sometimes there was no visible wind and, although good shots were available then, you did take a risk that unseen effects would push the bullet out of the 10 ring. Oh yes! - this happened and led to some unhappiness in some shooters. Others escaped narrowly with shots kissing the 10 ring.
Generally, scores were good today with several shooters shooting clean targets. In Open Class, congrats are due to Darryl K. who shot a 400/14X; to George M. who shot a 400/19X; to Cecil H. who shot a 400/22X and to Bert deV. who shot a 400/27X. In Sporter Class both Volker T. at 400/19X and Bert deV. at 400/25X shot clean targets. Congrats to all.

Match Director - Bruce B.
Scorer - Dale H.
Score Verifier - Bruce B
Range Officers - Barb J., John M., Darryl
Target Changers - Barb J., Guy H., Conrad L., John McC., Wayne K., Bruce B.
Treats - Barb J. (Cookies, Banana Bread, Squares)
Pictures - Barb J., Darryl K., Bert deV.


Shooter                     Targets                  Total

Bert deV. 200/14X     200/13X     400/27X
Cecil H. 200/12X     200/10X     400/22X
George M. 200/13X     200/6X       400/19X
Darryl K. 200/10X     200/4X       400/14X
Matt McA. 199/11X     200/8X       399/19X
John McC. 200/10X     199/7X       399/17X
Dale H. 200/12X     198/7X       398/19X
Barb J. 199/8X       199/5X       398/13X
Gerald D. 199/6X       199/6X       398/12X
Wayne K. 187/4X       198/7X       385/11X

Shooter                  Targets                  Total
Bert deV. 200/11X     200/14X     400/25X
Volker T. 200/7X       200/12X     400/19X
John McC. 200/10X     199/9X       399/19X
Conrad L. 199/9X       199/10X     398/19X
Bruce B. 198/8X       197/3X       395/11X
John M. 195/4X       199/12X     394/16X
*Corrected score sheet

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