Sunday, May 10, 2015


Today's Mother's Day Centerfire BR for score shoot was well attended by 13 shooters. We missed Volker T. and hope that he and his wife are having a very pleasant mother's day in Italy where they are having a vacation.
The wind was the big story in Petitcodiac today - mainly because there wasn't any. Oh sure, the flag tails fluttered a little from time to time and the Daisywheels did spin around a bit now and then but waiting for the prevalent condition - no wind - was no chore and no shooter even came close to using up the allotted 15  minutes firing time. It started out as a bit of a rainy day when we were travelling to the range, but true to the forecast, the rain stopped in the late morning and the temperatures did eventually reach the mid 20sC. It was only during the first relay that rain played any role at all. The sky remained overcast which provided us with even light throughout the entire match.

Some good scores were recorded with Dan G. reaching the illusive perfect target of 300 points with 18Xs - congratulations Dan.
Many thanks to Dan G. for being the Match Director and scoring the targets - and also to Shelly C. for verifying the scoring. Thanks to BertdeV. and John McC. for ensuring a safe range and serving as ROs. Targets were changed by Brian P., John McC., Tony L., Shelly C, Logan G. and his friend who came to observe. Many thanks all. Oh Yeah - treats were provided by Shelly C. and Dan G. - also many thanks.


Dan G. - 300/18X
Bert deV. - 299/18X
Cecil H. - 298/13X
George C. - 296/10X
John McC. - 296/6X
Logan G. - 294/8X
Don M. - 294/7X
Brian P. - 293/5X
Norbert S. - 291/5X
Ron M. - 290/7X
Tom N. - 285/6X
Tony L. - 283/6X
Shelly C. - 282/3X

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