Sunday, June 15, 2014

JUNE 15, 2014 - MINTO 22BR SHOOT

We celebrated Father's Day at the Minto Range with a great 22BR shoot.

It was a great day with a nice group of shooters and new targets. It was very cloudy and windy which was a challenge for most shooters. On the plus side, the rain held off and the wind blew mosquitos and black flies back into the woods.

Everyone helped out in some way - Terry McN. and Barb J. were the RSOs; Dave C. and Wayne were the score keepers while George M., Barb J. and Tom W. changed the targets. Terry McN. boiled the kettle for coffee and Barb J. brought her famous treats. Cecil H. swept the sand off the floor and steps and George M. did some housekeeping around the benches.


Matt McA. - 398/10X
Cecil H. - 396/17X
George M. - 394/12X
Carl J. - 393/10X
Barb J. - 390/11X
Bruce B. - 389/7X
Tom W. - 389/6X
Malcolm MacD. - 386/5X
Dave C. - 380/5X
Guy H. - 374/12X


Terry McN. - 378/7X
Wayne K. - 343/2X

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