After 2 inches of snowfall ended, and with a hint of rain, the day was not at all bad - weather-wise. The temperature climbed to around 2 degrees and the wind was very light. Several shooters, however, were convinced that there were some mysterious hidden swirls of wind activity causing some erratic behaviour with some of their shots. I'm not sure if this was the case, but this writer had several fine shots that ended up in totally different places than planned!

It was a good shoot with 15 shooters trying their best and, as usual, having a heck of a good time. We welcomed a new shooter - John McClusky. It was also good to see Ron Mason who found some time from his busy commute to Alberta to make it to our shoot. We look forward to new - and old - participants and making new friends.
Thanks go to Volker for Directing the match, scoring the targets and sending this write-up. Thanks also to Tony, Tom, Darryl, Dan, Brian and Ron for helping out with the many tasks, from getting the wood stove going to serving as Range Safety Officer, involved in running a match. The necessary sweets were provided by Barb and Dan with our thanks. Thanks also to photographers Barb and Darryl who sent the excellent pictures.
Cecil Harvey - 498/24X
Darryl Kierstead - 498/17X
Volker Topf - 495/25X
John Corbett - 495/19X
Brian Pettipas - 495/17X
Gerald Daigle - 494/14X
John McClusky - 493/19X
Terry McNeill - 493/15X
Dan Gladstone 492/15X
Bruce Bennett - 492/14X
Barb Jamieson - 490/14X
Tom Nowlan 488/9X
George Murray - 484/11X
Ron Mason - 483/4X
Tony Lewis - 482/8X