Tuesday, May 21, 2024


                    Thanks to Volker T. for these results and write-up. Also to Darryl K. for the pics.
It was a nice day for shooting rimfire. The sky was overcast, but bright with no mirage. The temperature ranged from 13-17C which was comfortable and few mosquitoes! The wind ran back and forth from east to west at 7-17km; not terribly windy, but the windflags hardly stood still, so still challenging.      

                    Congrats to the four shooters who shot clean targets: 
                    John McC. shot 500/36X, Cecil H. shot 500/30X, Barb J. shot 500/22X and 
                    Volker T. shot 500/29X.  A close X count throughout. The rest were not far behind. 

Thanks to Barb J. for the excellent sweets, to the team of Chris S. and Grant H. who did the scoring and tabulation of results. Also to our Range Officers: Chris S., Bruce B., and Volker T. Target crews were John McC., Chris S. and Bruce B. - thanks guys. Thanks to the photographers : Barb and Darryl. I hope I didn't miss anyone! 
So, a good day was had by all. It was a quick shoot with only two relays.  (Match Director - Volker T.)

                     RESULTS - RIMFIRE BR - OPEN CLASS: 
John McC.   250x17     250x19     500x36     
Cecil H.        250x14     250x16     500x30
Volker T.       250x12     250x17     500x29
Barb J.         250x10     250x12     500x22
Grant H.       249x15     250x15     499x30
Chris S.        249x10     250x13     499x23
Bruce B.       250x6       249x14     499x20
Matt McA.     249x11     248x18     497x29
Darryl K.       247x7       250x13     497x20
George M.    246x7       249x7       493x14  

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