Monday, September 23, 2024


Hard on the heels of the Martin F. Topf Rimfire Championship came today's Centerfire Championship of the Petitcodiac 2024 shooting season.
The day started out a bit cool at 8C with lots of fog in low lying areas. The day gradually warmed up to 20C by the end of the match. Winds were benign, coming from the right predominantly but also from all over the range. It was possible to wait for a chosen condition with lots of time to spare. The first relays were hampered by bright sun and mirage but later relays were a bit more overcast and so visibility improved.
Although the number of shooters was small for a championship, it was consistent with the rest of the season. In this case the New Brunswick moose season is just around the corner. Additionally, we are still experiencing great difficulty in finding centerfire components and the prices are through the roof. The enthusiasm of those present more than made up for the lack of numbers. It was nice to see Becky McC. again who, because of work committments, had been unable to shoot throughout the regular season.
It should be noted that some very good scores were recorded during this match with many clean single target sheets. Clean matches were shot by Cecil H. with a 300/19X, Malcolm McA. with a 300/19X, Bert deV. with a 300/15X and by Becky McC. with 300/14X. Congrats to all.

Volker T., who did not shoot and who served as Score Verifier, Target changer and RO. He also supplied the Timbits during the shooting.
Dan G. served as Match Director and scorer.
Tony L. who prepared the targets stands and brought Shelly C.'s wonderful treats.
Grant H. who provided for the lunch after the shoot.
John McC., Cecil H. and Malcolm McA. who changed targets.
Dorothy McC. who had prepared wonderful cookies for dessert.
Darryl K. for sending some nice pics.

Cecil H.-    100/7X   100/6X   100/6X = 300/19X (on count back) (6mmPPC)
Malcolm McA.-100/7X   100/4X   100/8X = 300/19X (6mmBR)
Bert deV. -   100/5X     100/4X     100/6X = 300/15X(30BR)
Becky McC.-100/5X     100/5X     100/4X = 300/14X (6mmBR)
Dan G. -    99/2X     100/8X     100/5X = 299/15X (6mmPPC)
Tony L. -    99/4X     100/4X     100/4X = 299/12X (6mmPPC)
John McC.- 98/6X     100/5X     100/6X = 298/17X (30BR)
Don M. -    99/4X     98/2X     99/5X = 296/11X (30BR)
Darryl K. - 100/7X     99/4X     96/2X = 295/13X (6mmBR)
Chris A. -   97/3X     95/1X     100/6X = 292/10X (6mmPPC)

After the match was completed, the targets scored and arithmetic done, we all went to the club house where Grant H. had set out a lunch. By this time we were all famished and the lunch soon made way for the awards presentations.

The three top shooters today were awarded with a trophy and plaques.
First place: Cecil H. - 300/19X

Second place: Malcolm McA. - 300/19X

Third place: Bert deV. - 300/15X
Then came the awards for the highest match score during the regular shooting season and also for the highest single target score. Congrats go to Malcolm McA. in both these categories having shot a season's best 300/23X match score and also the 100/10X single target score.
The Petitcodiac Centerfire Team was awarded a medal for having won the Terry McNeill Centerfire Team shoot earlier in the year.
From L: John McC., Volker T., Dan G., Darryl K.
Missing: Chris S.
Finally, before the group broke up to go home, everyone took part in a draw to select their prize from a central table. No-one went home empty handed as is the custom of the Petitcodiac Sportsman's Club. Thanks to all who made this event possible and very enjoyable!

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