Sunday, January 15, 2017


Today's match was the first of the season for Petitcodiac Sportsman's Club and boy-oh-boy was it brutal. The weather was cold (about -17C), windy (mostly down range at 30-40km/hr and gusts far exceeding that) and so bright and sunny we had to put up
some sunshade shields on the overhanging eaves of the building. Even so, the glare from the sun on the ice made it very very hard to see the targets for the first few relays. Later, when the sun had moved to the right a bit, it did get a little better. But, it remained cold and nasty and most of us had trouble feeling the trigger on our finger or grasping the ammo to load the rifle.
The only saving grace was the wood stove which was kept roaring from start to finish. It filled the shooting building with the aroma of burning soft wood and from-time-to-time wafted thick smoke down range towards the targets.
Volker T.was the Match Director and chief scorer with Dan G. and John McC. serving as score verifiers. The target setters and changers included John McC., Tony L., Barb J. and Dan G. Range Officers for the day were Darryl K., John McC., Bert deV. and Don M.
After the Open Class shooters were finished the match, five Sporter Class shooters participated in the first ever Sporter Match in Petitcodiac. It was great to be able to shoot both disciplines today, although, by the end of it we were definitely ready for some warmth. It was too bad that the Open Class shooters did not stay for the completion of this match at least to participate in the medal presentations. But then again, it was so cold that driving home in a warm vehicle was very appealing.

John McC. - 498/20X
Bert deV. - 491/19X
Cecil H. - 490/16X
Dave C. - 490/15X
Matt McA. - 490/12X
Dan G. - 488/9X
Darryl K. - 485/12X
Tom N. - 485/10X
John C. - 482/10X
Chris S. - 482/8X
George M. - 480/7X
Brian P. - 477/12X
Barb J. - 474/12X
Bruce B. - 470/9X
Don M. - 438/8X

Dan G. - 375/5X
John McC. - 373/6X
Bert deV. - 373/4X 
Tony L. - 358/1X
                                                     Volker T. - DNC

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