Woodstock Pistol and Rifle Club
Hosting the RNBRA 22 Rifle TR/MTR and Sporting Rifle Championship 2015
MATCH DIRECTOR: Hans vanSpingelen - hvscorp
APPEALS: A Match Committee composed of the Match Director and 2 others will consider appeals. An appeal is to be directed to the RO on duty, then to the Match Director and finally to the Match Committee.
REGISTRATION FEE: MTR/TR - $15 for individuals ($20 for family),
SPORTER/HUNTER - $10 per individual ($15 for family)
LOCATION: Woodstock Pistol and Rifle Club
209 Hodgdon Road, Teeds Mills, NB
GPS COORDINATES: 46.091855/ -67.574263
On TransCanada Highway, take exit 194 and on south side of TC is a sign for Woodstock
Pistol and Rifle Club. Sign says: WPRC 2.4 km on the service road parallel to the NB trail.
START TIMES: Registration starts at 8:30 a.m
Club members and local competitors will shoot the first relay at 9:00 a.m. Opening ceremonies will take place at once the local relay is completed. All others will start at 10:00 a.m.
1. MTR/TR - Modified Target Rifle (heavy barrel) in 22LR caliber. May be shot with aperture sights, sling, shooting jacket and spotting scope OR with unlimited magnification scope, front rest but no rear rest. The shooter must support the butt of the rifle.
2. Sporting/Hunter Rifle in 22LR caliber. No target rifles or rifles with heavy barrels are to be used (check with Match Director before registration). May be shot with aperture sight but no sling or jacket. No front rest. This class is shot from elbows only. If using a scope only 4X magnification will be allowed (a variable scope turned down to 4X will be allowed). A spotting scope or higher scope setting may be used during sighting.
PRIZES: A minimum of 3 shooters are required for a prize to be awarded in any class.
Top shooters will be presented with RNBRA Small Bore Championship trophies for both Junior and Senior shooters. Their names will be engraved on the trophy and entered into the RNBRA Record Book.
Trophies for the Woodstock MTR (scoped) events:
#19 MAGEE CUP MTR Prone Junior
#101 Brig. SNOW MEMORIAL MTR Prone Junior (extra-young juniors)
Trophies for the Woodstock for TR (non-scoped/aperture) events:
#97 Brig. T.E.SNOW 1993 TR Prone Open
#79 Maj. W.H.CLARKE Trophy TR Prone Junior
#69 BOLS BOWL TR Standing Metallic sights Open
The Woodstock Pistol and Rifle Club will present take home trophies for top shooters. The Snow and Burge Fullbore Junior Prize will be awarded to the top Junior MTR and TR shooters (Scoped and aperture sights) by the Fullbore Section of the RNBRA.
Targets are standard 50 meter match rifle competition.
Course of fire is 60 counting shots at 50 meters with unlimited sighters at the top left hand target bull. The remaining 5 target bulls are for counting shots - 6 shots per target bull.
There will be a target change and another 30 shots with sighters.
Adults and juniors may shoot in same relay. For both classes, 6 shooters per relay, shooting platforms will be under cover. Bring a shooting mat
Juniors may have the option to shoot at 25 meter targets, depending on their skill level. This to be decided at the time of the match.
We estimate one relay to take 30 minutes, but actual times may vary.
Please E-Mail Hans to indicate your interest to help plan the event Thank You
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