This was a good day for shooting in Minto. The sun was out for the first part of the shoot and it became gradually more overcast as the day wore on. The temperature hovered around 24C as was predicted but the humidity increased into the afternoon. The all important wind remained essentially the same from start to finish with about 5-10km/hr winds from 9:00 o'clock - this made shooting a little easier. Still the occasional gust and switch did catch some (maybe all) of us pulling the trigger when we should have waited.
Match Director - Mike C.
Scorer - Don M., Score verifier - Conrad L.
Target Changers - Mike C., David C., John McC., Cecil H., Dan G.
ROs - Wayne K., Mike C., David C.
Coffee and Banana Bread - David C.
Don M. - 299/15X Bert deV. - 297/14X
John McC. - 298/18X Cecil H. - 296/21X
Dan G. - 298/15X David C. - 292/5X
Bert deV. - 146/5X Dan G. - 134/1X
John McC. - 142/3X Conrad L. - 119/2X DNC
Gerry J. - 140/8X Wayne K. - 112/0X
Mike C. - 134/3X