The Benchrest shooters
of New Brunswick
wish you and yours
a very Merry
and a Happy New Year
People, News, and Views about Benchrest Style Shooting in New Brunswick, Canada. Club Schedules and Competition Results. Special Events and Other Cool Shooting Stuff. Links to Benchrest Sites and to Information for Benchrest Shooters. With a Focus on Having Fun!
After the Annual General Meeting and the award presentations were completed, all members present enjoyed a rimfire fun shoot. This was composed of 3 targets which were made up by John McC. and which were all shot at 50 yards. The first was composed of 10 small geometric designs randomly spread out on the sheet. The second target was made with 10 small jellybeans and the third with 10 small black beans. This was quite challenging as the shadow of a bean on the target was a black strip almost indistinguishable from the bean.
Thanks to John McC. who was the match director and score verifier and to Don M. who was the head scorer. Targets were changed by George M., Mike C., Dale H. and John M. ROs were Mike C. and George M. My apologies as I may have missed some people. Wayne K. provided the coffee and the donuts. Many thanks for all your help today fellas.
Rimfire Sporter Class: (Stars + Candies + Beans = Total) Gerry J. - 60 + 80 + 80 = 210 Mike C. - 45 + 50 + 30 = 125 Norbert S. - 45 + 30 + 30 = 105 Wayne K. - 45 + 20 + 30 = 95 John M. - 45 + 10 + 30 = 85 |
Rimfire Open Class: (Stars + Candies + Beans = Total) Dale H. - 65 + 100 + 80 = 245 George M. - 55 + 90 + 60 = 205 John McC. - 50 + 40 + 90 = 180 Don M. - 55 + 60 + 50 = 165 Conrad L. - 30 + 50 + 20 = 100 |
The Annual General Meeting of the Mnto Gun Club was held on November 15, 2020 at the Club-house in Minto. This was followed by the presentation of the year-end awards for excellence in shooting during the regular shooting schedule. Due to Covid-19 several recipients were not in attendance. It should be noted that a good number of competitions could not be held during the year. The awards were granted for those categories of shooting where sufficient matches were held.
Rimfire Pistol High Single Target: Volker T. - 96/1X |
Rimfire Pistol High Match Score: Gerald D. - 184/3X |
High Match Score Rimfire Sporter Class: Bruce B. - 391/8X |
High Single Target Rimfire Sporter Class: Bill H. - 196/6X |
High Single Target
Rimfire Open Class:
Conrad L. - 200/10X
High Single Target Centerfire Sporter Class: Mike C. - 49/4X |
High Single Target Centerfire Open Class: Don M. 100/3X |
OPEN CLASS John McC. - 80/7 + 85/7 + 75/5 = 240/19X (6mmBR) Dan G. - 65/4 + 90/7 + 65/5 = 220/16X (6mmBR) Cecil H. - 85/7 + 50/3x + 60/4 = 195/14X (6mmPPC) Don M. - 75/5 + 45/3 + 55/3 = 175/11X (6mmPPC) Bert deV. - 20/1 + 30/1 + 30/3 = 80/5X (222Rem) |
Volker T. - 1150 Chris S. - 1076 John McC. - 1075 Bruce B. - 1058 John C. - 999 Darryl K. - 976 Charles McQ. - 921 Dan G. - 881 |
UNLIMITED CLASS: Bert deV. - 231.4 + 23.6 + 240.5 = 701.15 John McC. - 239.6 + 231.3 + 229.2 = 699.11 Ash P. - 221.3 + 236.6 + 220.2 = 677.11 Jean S. - 221.2 + 212.0 + 220.1 = 653.3 Greg S. - 218.2 + 225.3 + 202.1 = 645.6 |
OPEN CLASS RESULTS: John McC. - 299/16X Mike C. - 297/12X Cecil H. - 296/13X Dan G. - 295/7X Don M. - 294/11X Gordon H. - 294/7X Darryl K. - 290/8X David C. - 288/3X Norbert S. - 287/4X Bill H. - 279/8X Ben F. - 275/3X Conrad L. - 233/3X |
SPORTER CLASS RESULTS: MIke C. - 143/3X John McC. - 137/3X Bill H. - 127/1X Wayne K. - 126/2X Conrad L. - 117/0X Dan G. - 115/2X |