Monday, October 24, 2016


The Final Shoot in 22 BR and Sporter Rifle for the Minto Gun Club, came all too early for those of us who are still in summer mode and hoping for more Indian Summer and some warm days at the range. 

It was certainly a rough awakening that all of our wishes for deferring winter might not come true as it was cold - about 7C when we got to the range - and it got colder as the day progressed. Definitely fleece lined jackets or hunting coats weather. On top of that, it was a wet day with frequent showers, drizzle, downpours and few dry spells. Our saving grace - and certainly popular with those who had shot a couple of relays and then did some ROing - was the lovely warm new club house constructed by President Dave C. and his hard working team of builders.

The wind, although this is not very unusual for Minto, was strong for most of the day, letting up a bit towards the end of the match. The prevailing wind was left to right and at about 20 - 25 Km/hr. Once in a while we would have gusts of 30 - 50 km/hr and, during one relay, all the targets were torn off the backing - thank goodness most of us had completed our relay - with the exception of Dave who had to fire an extra shot in the next relay.

Today, Matt McA. was a superbly efficient Match Director and scorer with Don M. doing a fine job of verifying the scoring and arithmetic. The Range Officers were Darryl K., John McC., Bill H. and Bert deV. (Thanks to Bert's confusion everyone got an extra 3 minutes for sighting in at the beginning of the match). Targets were changed by Dave C., Guy H., George M., Gerard D., Dan G., Bert deV. and John McC. 

Today was special because not only did we get to enjoy Barb's wonderful treats, but Dave C. cooked up some terrific hotdogs with fried onions and the softest buns it has been our privilege to sink our teeth into. Thanks everyone, for helping out to make this a special final 22BR shoot.

John McC. - 390/16X
Bert deV. - 384/8X
Dan G. - 382/11X
Wayne K. - 379/4X
Volker T. - 372/8X
George M. - 371/6X
Bill H. - 366/3X

Bert deV. - 398/10X
Guy H. - 397/16X
Dan G. - 395/16X
John McC. - 395/10X
George M. - 395/9X
Sandy MacL. - 394/17X
Cecil H. - 392/15X
Don Mey. - 392/9X
Bill H. - 390/13X
Darryl K. - 389/10X
Barb J. - 387/9X
Dave C. - 387/9X
Gerard D. - 384/9X
Matt McA. - 382/9X
Don M. - 380/9X
Volker T. - 366/9X

Monday, October 17, 2016


The wind was wild today gusting to 25km/hr. It would blow straight up the range and then quickly shifted right or left 90 degrees without warning. At times the 3 wind flags were blowing 90 degrees opposite of one another. The temperature was a little cool but that is to be expected this time of year. 
There were only 5 hardy shooters attending today and we had a lot of fun. Four ten shot targets were used for today’s match.

Scoring by Dan G. Verification by Volker T. Targets changed by John McC. and Logan G. Tony L. looked after the target stands. Pictures and report sent by John McC. Danny G. brought the Timbits
Entertainment was by Logan G. as he thought he had his dear ol' Dad beat and let everyone know it. Much to his surprise, the ol' man pulled off a one point win. Let's just say there seemed to be a lot of crow that had to be eaten. It was a great day with good shooting and lots of camaraderie!

Dan G. - 399/11X
Logan G. - 398/11X
Volker T. - 397/10X
John McC. - 385/6X
Tony L. - 382/8X

Tuesday, October 11, 2016


Another beautiful day in New Brunswick in October and eight guys, who just can't get enough of shooting CF matches, were on hand to thoroughly enjoy it all.
It wasn't sunny all day but it wasn't all that bad either with an occasional little shower
here and there. One good thing - and very unusual for Minto - was that there wasn't much wind either. The wind flags were completely still for minutes at a time. Then they'd pick up again with benign head winds. Like yesterday, it was not hard to find a preferred condition returning quickly. 
Today, Wayne K. was the Match Director and scorer with Don M. providing the score verification. The targets were changed by George M., who had come to shoot the pistol match and did not shoot CF BR, and Randy L. who came to watch us shoot. Many thanks guys for stepping up so that we could shoot uninterruptedly. The ROs were Tony L., Dave C. and Bert deV. The treats were sent up by Shelley C. through Tony L. Many many thanks to all for helping out.

Bert deV. - 300/23X (Borden 6mmPPC)
John McC. - 299/23X (Savage 6mmBR)
Bill H. - 299/20X (40X 222)
Terry McN. - 298/23X (Savage 6mmBR)
Don M. - 297/20X (Stiller 6mmPPC)
Tony L. - 282/7X (Savage 6mmBR)
Dave C. - DNC (Rem 223)

Bert deV. - 146/6X (Tikka 222)
Bill H. - 132/2X (Rem 222)
John McC. - 126/1X (CZ 223)
Wayne K. - 124/1X (Savage 223)


It was a great day for shooting at the Florenceville Range. The sun was out all day and we came away with a bit of a burn on our faces. There was no rain and the temperature rose to about 15C. The wind was a factor at this range. The predominant wind was uprange towards the targets but often would quickly shift to a left/right wind or the entire opposite. Although there were some very strong gusts lasting a few seconds, for the most part the wind was very light - perhaps 15 to 20km/hr. It was not hard to shoot in the same condition throughout most of the match.
Six shooters, three from the southern part of the province, enjoyed the shooting and some very good relays were shot. Two shooters competed in the prone position while the rest shot benchrest for score.
The Match Director today, was Ash P. and the scorers were Ash P. and Alan C. with help from the whole crew. Alan C. was the RO for one relay while Greg was the RO for the other. We all made the trek to the 200m targets to change them. A really nice walk - seriously!

Bert deV. - 100/5X + 100/7X + 100/8X = 300/20X (308)
Ash P. - 95/1X + 96/3X + 96/1X = 287/5X (308)

Don M - 97/2X + 100/5X + 100/3X = 297/10X (30BR)
Alan C. - 93/0X + 98/4X + 99/3X = 290/7X (222)
John McC. - 99/5X + 89/4X + 100/6X = 288/15X (6mmBR)
Greg R. - 89/1X + 99/4X + 86/1X = 274/6X (223)

Monday, October 3, 2016


Well, it was finally here. The much awaited Petitcodiac Centerfire Championship Match and annual award presentations for centerfire shooting during the regular season. Rifles were tuned, cleaned and ammo was precisely made. All equipment was tuned to perfection. The shooters who made it to this event were also at a ready with itchy trigger fingers, eyeballs peeled and well dried behind the ears.
From the first command to commence firing from RO Dan G., the competition was fierce to say the least. After the first target was shot, 6 shooters had racked up 100 point targets with John McC. in the lead with a perfect 100/10X. The same 6 shooters repeated this performance after the second target was finished.
It was noon and time for all to retire to the clubhouse for some much needed nutrition and relaxation. John C., on behalf of the Petitcodiac Sportsman's Club, had provided a wonderful lunch of sandwiches, finger foods and delicious treats. With a drink (and smoke for some), we returned to do battle on the shooting range. By the time the last shot had been fired, some very, very good shooting had been done - the old record was tied and for the first time, two perfect 100/10X targets had been recorded. The winner had to be decided by a count back to the first target.


John McC. - 300/23X - 6mmBR/Savage
Bert deV. - 300/23X - 30BR/BAT
Cecil H. - 300/18 - 6mmPPC/BAT
Dan G. - 300/15 - 6mmPPC/Swindlehurst
Volker T. - 299/11X - 6mmBRX/Viper
Matt A. - 299/9X - 6mmx47/Rem 40X
Terry McN. - 298/11X - 6mmBR/Savage
Brian P. - 298/8X - 6mmBR/Rem 40X
Logan G. - 296/11X - 222Rem/Cooper
Darryl K. - 294/4X - 223Rem/Rem 40X
Bruce B. - 292/10X - 222Rem/Rem700
George C. - 289/3X - 6mmBR/Rem
Don M. - 287/9X - 30BR/Savage
Shelly. - 287/6X - 223Rem/Savage
Tony L. - 282/9X - 22-250/Ruger
Tom N. - 280/4X - 223Rem/Savage
John C. - 279/1X - 223Rem/Win
             Arnold F. - 251/2X - 223Rem/Savage

The match was run by Match Director, Volker T. who also did the scoring while Dan G. and Tom N. served as verifiers. The targets were set and changed by Tony L., John McC., Dan G., Brian P., Logan G., Matt A., Arnold F. and Bert deV. The ROs for the match were Dan G. and Bert deV. The pictures were taken by Darryl K. Cookies and Timbits were courtesy of Dan G. and Dorothy McC. Many thanks to all.
After the match was completed, everyone went to the clubhouse for the awards presentations. Volker T. was the MC. and John C. had arranged for all the prizes. The top 5 shooters in today's final championship match were awarded trophy/plaques/medals as well as cash prizes. The top single targets during the regular shooting season, were shot by Cecil H. and Bert deV. who tied at 100/9X. Bert deV. shot the highest single match score with 300/22X. Before everyone left to go home a prize draw was held - everyone went home with a prize today. 
Many thanks are due to both Volker T. and John C. for organizing a very enjoyable event.