The miserable weather was accompanied by typical Petitcodiac winds - constant for the most part at about 15km/h with gusts to about 30km/h. It would stop briefly but only to take a different tack and at those times it would catch some shooters. Occasionally a few words (!) of disappointment would be heard from the firing line among the shooters who were so sorely tried by these conditions. W are hoping the weather will improve for he next match.
Dan G. did a great job as Match Director and scorer not easy when the targets - and bullet holes had been wet. The Range Safety Officers were Dan G. and Darryl K. With the sweets courtesy of Dan G. and Shelly C., a warm clubhouse and a warm spot next to the stove at the range, we made it through the match with smiles on our faces. Many thanks to all for their help.
Volker T. - 497/17X
Dan G. - 495/19X
Don M. - 495/15X
Bruce B. - 492/12X
Matt McA. - 490/14X
John C. - 490/13X
Darryl K. - 490/10X
John McC. - 487/9X
Gerald D. - 485/13X
Shelly C. - 485/7X
Terry McN. - 484/11X
Tom N. - 477/8X
Tony L. - 404/3X